98 Valkyrie Trike

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98 Valkyrie Trike

Bikes We Like

We saw this beauty at the ABATE Classic Motorcycle show in Snohomish this spring and couldn't resist leaving a note on it for the owner. We're glad we did.

Owner: Sue Marshall
Locale: Poulsbo
Originally purchased at: The Brothers
Trike Conversion & Paint By: California Trike
Best Ride yet: Last year's 4 day ride over the North Cascades, around Eastern Washington, through the Columbia gorge, into Oregon and back home.
Next Ride plans: Joining some friends for another North Cascades trip in July.
"If I had to do it all over again, I'd...:"  I can't say that I'd do anything differently. I'm very satisfied with my setup. I've ridden as a passenger all of my life. At different times I've wanted my own bike but never felt that I was tall/strong enough to handle one that was big enough to be comfortable and that could keep up with the others. Now I have the best of all worlds. I can keep up with anybody.... I ride in comfort... and I do it on a bike that's truly, uniquely mine! What else is there to say???
Suggestions to those thinking about trike conversions: I would caution others to ride a trike if possible before making the commitment to purchase. I met a woman who rode a Goldwing for years and then had it converted and hated it. Also... It takes a lot of upper body strength to ride any distance. Some people might have a problem with that.

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