Sound RIDER! 2011 Event Preview
After a fantastic 2010, we’ve got another great year of riding
events planned. To get the earliest notifications about each event,
use the link at the top left of this page to subscribe for free if
you’re not already a subscriber to Sound RIDER! If you see an event
you want to participate in, be sure to mark it on your calendar now
and arrange your vacation time accordingly.
Rally in the Gorge 2011
Sportbike Northwest, Sport Touring Northwest, Dualsport
Northwest & Maxi Scoot Northwest
The Rally in the Gorge – has it got nine lives? You bet! Since
2003 we’ve run this rally in the Columbia River Gorge and the more
we run it the better it gets. If you have not been, you’re missing
out on five days and four nights of too much fun. An organized rally
that covers a lot of ground, we run separate programs for the four
styles of bikes noted above, thus each gets their own mini rally.
And of course you can migrate into the other dimensions at any time.
We have a number of riders who arrive with a truck hauling a sportbike and dual sport bike, or some other combination. During the
day, we have suggested rides, clinics and seminars and the evenings
fill up with on-stage entertainment, our auction and various
entertainment pockets throughout the fairground depending on what
each vendor wants to offer themselves.
This year highlights include the return of Nick Ienatsch, a
return appearance from David Hough (you didn’t think that little
boo-boo out on Highway 14 is gonna keep him away), an all-new ride
on the northern slopes of Mt. Hood, a Maryhill Cornering Clinic that
will focus on trail braking and will be taught by Bret Tkacs and
Nick Ienatsch together, a dual sport clinic designed to showcase
proper technique on iffy surfaces (we’ve been hiding them from you
but we know where they are) and a lot more.
The rally is once again the Northwest Regional Rally event of the
American Motorcyclist Association. Look for registration to open in
February with special rates for those who sign up early and those
who attended last year’s rally.

2011 Sound RIDER! Grand Tour Series
As you know, we hold several events, rides and tours throughout
the year. All of these events will fall under the 2011 Sound RIDER!
Grand Tour Series. With each event you participate in, you’ll amass
points. The more you do, the more points you’ll score and prizes
will be awarded to those who reach particular point levels. The
points and levels are still being determined and we’ll have details
in the March issue. This comes about by virtue that a lot of people
attend more than one event of ours each year and it’s a chance for
us to reward their loyalty.
Here’s a run-down of each event in the series:
Café to Café Grand Tour – April 1st to September 30th
For this tour, riders are provided with a tour sheet outlining 15
restaurants in the Northwest. You must hit as many as you can over
the six-month period. The more you hit, the higher your score. When
you dine at them, you get additional points. There is no rush to hit
them all in a short period of time; relax, plan out some great
routes and start eating your way to the top. Restaurants are
selected by our editorial staff and our sister publication, Seattle
DINING!. Those who have done this in the past know we know where the
good food is.
The theme for this year’s ride is "At The End Of The Road." We
choose the theme based on the fact that all the restaurants this
year are at the end of a road. In fact, you’ll need to use an
additional means of transportation (provided at the sites) to dine
at several of the locations. It’s gonna be scenic, it’s gonna be
fun, it’s gonna have a lot of great corners and it’s gonna taste so
good. Look for registration to open when we publish the April issue.
All types of bikes are welcome in this event.
The Ultimate Road Trip: OREGON/IDAHO – August 29th-September
Our Road Trip tours are designed to get you down some tertiary
roads you might not otherwise ever know about or ride. At times
you’ll feel like you’re in a foreign land. The idea of an interstate
or heavily traveled road does not play into our route plans. For
the most part, the roads we choose aren’t heavily traveled and have
a boonies-like quality to them. That means more corners, cool little
out-of-the-way places, interesting sights – and then more corners.
We learned a lot from our first Road Trip tour last year. We know
you like the endless twisties we build in, but you’d like a little
more time to relax and not have to pack up and move each day. So
here’s how this year’s tour will play out.
We’re going to start in Eastern Oregon and wind our way to a
medium-sized town where we’ll spend two nights. Day two will provide
several loop rides you can choose from and then it’s back to the
same town that night. Day three we pack up and ride to a very small
town in Idaho, where we can groove into our accommodations and stay
another two nights. Day four will feature, again, a selection of loop
routes and then back to our small town accommodation from the night
before. Day five we ride home and if you’re returning to the Puget
Sound region, we’ve got a stunning back roads route back. For both
overnight locations, you will have your choice of several motels
and/or camping. Final details will be issued in the March issue.
While the tour runs Monday through Friday, most people will have
an additional two weekend days before the tour and three with the
labor day holiday on the backside. Oh wow – 10 days to do nothing
but ride in the Northwest! That’s awesome. All types of bikes are
welcome in this event.
Sasquatch Dual Sport Tour – August 15th-19th
A near sell-out crowd on the 2010 Sasquatch Dual Sport tour means
– of course – we’re doing it again. A simple search engine lookup of
"Sasquatch Dual Sport" tells the tale of the past with videos, forum posts and otherwise.
Bob and I are hard at work running route scenarios for 2011.
Here’s what we know so far.
Oregon is a great place and we’ll be back – but not this year.
Canada sounds dreamy, but since most of its gravel routes are
heavily used for logging on the weekdays, it’s not in the cards.
Washington – hey now there’s an idea. However our idea is to explore
some places that are truly destination locations. Places you can’t
get to without making a special trip to get there and thus don’t
work as a day ride. To accomplish this route task there may be a
moment or two of blacktop boredom, but when you’ve finished the ride
you’ll look back and say ‘Wow – I’m glad I did this!" The plan is to
start up high and end high. How we will do it will be our secret
until you join in.
Puget Sound Dual Sport Enthusiasts rides
Those participating in the rides put on by the Puget Sound Dual
Sport Enthusiasts will get additional points toward the SR! Grand
Tour Series. It costs nothing to join in the rides put on
from April-September. For more information, visit the website at
NorthWest Scooter Enthusiasts rides
Those participating in the rides put on by the NorthWest Scooter
Enthusiasts will also receive points toward the SR! Grand Tour
series. Again it costs nothing to join in the rides (maxi scooter
riders only please) which are put on April to September. For more
information, visit the site at
As I said before, if you’re not on our newsletter list – use the
link at the top left of this page to get on it for free.
TM/Winter 2011