2016 photo contest callout

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2016 photo contest callout

It's the end of 2016, and a lot of riders have packed away their bike for the winter, but there are a few still on the road as commuters and hard cores. None the less, most of the latter aren't thinking about taking pictures in the wet and grey.

So it's time to have the not-so-annual Sound RIDER! reader photo contest. We're looking for the best, funniest, most scenic, every picture tells a story photos taken in 2016. Anything goes as long as it involves motorcycles. And although we're a Pacific Northwest publication, we will accept photos from anywhere because we know a number of our readers live outside the area. And yes - we have some good prizes.

As with any contest there are rules and guidelines you must follow, so here goes.


  1. One photo entry per person, so give us your best shot!

  2. The photo you submit must have been taken during 2016.

  3. Photos should be emailed to SREditor@soundrider.com.

  4. Do not email photos larger than 6MB in size. If you need to resize, that's fine. 1000 pixels max wide or high would be fine.

  5. Photos must be received in our email box by November 25, 2016.

  6. By submitting your photo, you are granting us permission to use it in the online pages of SR! as well as across social media outlets (and we'll explain why in a moment).

Pretty simple.

In late November, our editors will review all the images and select the best 20 of the batch. Beginning December 1st we'll be posting one photo a day on our Facebook page and allow the readers who get our Facebook feed to "like" each image. You can find our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/soundridermag. Feel free to "like" your own image as well as ask your friends to "like" it as well. Vote for others as you see fit also. The voting will be encouraged across our Twitter feed at www.twitter.com/soundridermag.

And then come the prizes…

  • 1st Place (Editor's Choice) your choice of $100 in cash, or one registration to The Rally in the Gorge!
  • 2nd Place (Editor's Choice) gets a $50 gift certificate to the Sound RIDER! store
  • 3rd Place (Editor's Choice) gets a $25 gift certificate to the Sound RIDER! store
  • 1st Place (People's Choice) gets a special package of moto goodies valued at over $100!

We will tally the People's Choice awards in late December and announce all the winners in the January 2017 issue of Sound RIDER!

So drag out your camera or smartphone and start sorting through those pics from last summer's excursion, race, day ride, rally, rebuild or what have you and get us your picture.

SR!/October 2016

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