Pop Deyer Award 2005 Winner

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Pop Deyer Award 2005 Winner

Olympia's Spurgeon recognized by prestigious national sidecar association

Each year the Sidecar Safety Program presents the "Pop" Dreyer award to an individual who has demonstrated exemplary service to sidecar motorcyclists. The Pop Dreyer perpetual trophy is a plaque containing the names of those who have received the award over the years, and includes an original identification badge from a Dreyer sidecar. The trophy is displayed at Dreyer Honda in Indianapolis, Indiana, managed by Pop’s grandson, Mike Dreyer.

For 2005, the recipient of the Pop Dreyer award is Carl Spurgeon, Director of the Washington Motorcycle Safety Program. When laws were passed requiring three-wheeler training to be included in the motorcycle safety program, Mr. Spurgeon went beyond the "call of duty" to ensure that sidecar/trike training was taken seriously and implemented into the Washington program.

The 2004 Dreyer award was presented by Dave Wendell, Vice President of the USCA Sidecar Safety Program, at the September meeting of the Washington Motorcycle Safety Advisory Board. Spurgeon was also given a copy of the book "They Called Him Pop," written by grandson Mike Dreyer.

The USCA Sidecar Safety Program is an independent non-profit corporation dedicated to improving the knowledge and skills of three-wheeled motorcyclists. The SSP publishes the book "Driving A Sidecar Outfit", which is available from Printwerk Graphics, telephone 800 736-1117. $24.95 plus S&H.

Sidecar/Trike training is totally independent of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, but is being offered at many rider training sites across the USA. For more information about sidecar/trike training, contact the Evergreen Safety Council, 800-521-0778 or www.esc.com.

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