OHV Political CLOUT is Free

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OHV Political CLOUT is Free!

Why have CLOUT and what is it really?

Are you tired of:

  • legislative proposals that would make it illegal to operate your OHV on your own private property?

  • of not having enough places to ride while public land lies unused all around you?

  • more and more restrictions being placed on the use of your OHV in WA State?

CLOUT is here to change that and give YOU a strong PRO-OHV voice in Olympia!

Your time is valuable – We know that many people do not have the time to review everything that is happening in Olympia every day the Legislature is in session and, more importantly, research and respond to your State Legislators to keep them informed of your position on important issues. CLOUT does 98% of this for you!

What is CLOUT? – It is the Constituent Legislative Online User Target system for all OHV (4X4, ATV & offroad M/C) users in WA State. This system is a database of active OHV users, indexed by their personal WA State representatives and senators.

What does CLOUT do? – It notifies specific people via email only when their personal legislator(s) is(are) going to be involved in hearing something to do with any issue that affects OHV recreation in the State of WA within the next few days. This system provides everything you need to send a personal message (not a worthless form letter ) to your personal legislators, identifying, with a 99% level of certainty, that you are one of their personal constituents! This is the only input that really counts in Olympia!

How much of my time does CLOUT take? – Very little! You can send a personal message to your legislator(s) in less than 5 minutes if you are notified that your input is needed.

How often will I get email from CLOUT? – You will only receive email from CLOUT when there is a specific OHV related issue that your personal legislator(s) is going to be involved in within the next few days. 95% of CLOUT alerts occur only while the WA State Legislature is in session.

Will my email address be distributed to others? - No! Your email address will only be used by the CLOUT volunteers for communication with you regarding OHV issues.

How do I get CLOUT? Just send an email to clout@hpgmc.com with the word "CLOUT" in the Subject line, along with your name and voting zip code in the text section of that email.

Over 132,000 ORV tags have been sold in WA State so far this year! Imagine how much CLOUT the OHV users will have when even 10% of those people get CLOUT!!!!! Do YOUR part!

Your name and home (voting) zip code is all that we need you to email to clout@hpgmc.com in order to make this Constituent Legislative Online User Target (CLOUT) system work!

We, the WA OHV users, need CLOUT in Olympia! Please HELP by sending an email to CLOUT today!

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