Washington Motorcyle Club: Northwest Wings Motorcycle Drill Team

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Northwest Wings Drill Team

The Northwest Wings Motorcycle Drill Team was formed in 1983. The team originally consisted of various members of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA) and at first was dedicated to showing off the capabilities of the Goldwing motorcycle. (and of course the skills of the riders involved). Today the team members all come from local chapters of the Gold Wing Touring Association (GWTA) and retain their association with their chapter even while riding on the Northwest Wings Drill Team. The chapters derive benefit from the training received by the rider and bragging rights at GWTA functions.

The team consists of dedicated riders (both Men and Women) who find the time to practice together 3-4 hours a week during the riding season. This generally means 9 months of the year. The men and women on the NW Wings are some of the top riders in the northwest and are respected by motorcycle riders and non-riders alike. The Team members have volunteered both their time and money to ride in local activities and charitable events. The members represent many varied professions: Business Executives, Self-employed contractors, City and government employees, and skilled professionals. Each riding member has purchased and maintains their own Goldwing motorcycle. They are also responsible for a large portion of the expense of getting to and from these events.

The team has participated in activities sponsored by organizations such as The March of Dimes, Make-A-Wish Foundation, The Northwest AIDS Foundation, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Society, Heart Fund, Delta Rehabilitation Center, Diabetes Foundation, Veterans Day Parades and events, Susan G. Komen Foundation, and numerous other charitable events and functions.

The team has also ridden in local community events such as Portland Rose Festival Torchlight Parade, The Wenatchee Apple Blossom Parade, The Marysville Strawberry Parade, The Lawman 1000, The Sea-Tac Parade and Festival, Many Seafair events and Parades, plus Veteran and Armed Forces Day parades. The Northwest Wings ride in Motorcycle and Non-Motorcycle events in both the USA and Canada.

The Northwest Wings Motorcycle Drill Team rides to promote safety and the Gold Wing Touring Association, as well as good will for riders and non-riders alike. A requirement for riding on the team is the successful completion of the Motorcycle Foundations "Experienced Rider Course" every two years. The rider must own a Goldwing, attend practice, gain the respect and acceptance of the team members, and above all the rider must be willing to have enormous amounts of unadulterated FUN.

If you know of a charitable event that we could participate in, we would be interested in hearing about it. If you would like to participate on the Northwest Wings Motorcycle Drill Team we would be most interested in hearing from you.

For further information contact.

Al 'Cowboy' Mitchell, Team Captain
13307 72nd Ave E.
Puyallup, WA 98373

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