Washington Motorcyle Club: Washington Road Riders Association

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Washington State's New Voice for Motorcyclists In Olympia

Washington State motorcyclists have a new voice in Olympia and on Capitol Hill (D.C. not Seattle) with the advent of a statewide rider's rights organization led by veterans of the national motorcyclist's rights movement.

On September 30, motorcyclists formed the Washington Road Riders Association (WRRA) to inspire riders to get active in influencing state and federal lawmakers on issues of importance to motorcyclists.

"Today's riders face an incredible array of threats to our rights and safety," observed Wayne Thomas, President WRRA. "From road access to the design of crash barriers, from issues involving global regulation of how motorcycles are designed and made, to right here at home with the impending threat to our Rider Education Account, and existing laws that regulate motorcycle attire. Our rights our on the line, and our safety is at stake."

"These threats can be met and our views embraced by lawmakers only by our forming a community of riders that is informed, trained and motivated to act," said Karen Bolin, WRRA Vice-President of Government Relations. "And that's the goal of the WRRA: to build a strong broad base of riders engaged in the legislative process."

Both Thomas and Bolin are veteran rider right's advocates. Both are on the national board of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, the first motorcycle advocacy group to establish a presence in Washington, DC.

In addition to Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Bolin, many other veterans of WA motorcycle activism have assumed WRRA officer responsibilities. The WRRA intends to be a member supported organization and anticipates working with all riding groups and organizations in WA State, in addition to national based motorcycle organizations, to promote a proactive legislative agenda.

For more information and membership details visit the website at .

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