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The Good Rider

New David Hough book is a reality check

The story goes something like this. Best selling riding skills author and AMA Hall of Fame inductee David Hough was wrapping up a tour of New Zealand several years ago. Over dinner the question was posed - "Who is a good rider?" A number of current and former racing names came up.

Hough was intrigued by the responses and set out to provide readers with his interpretation of what a good rider actually is.

There are no high speed perfoirmance skills batted around here. Instead Hough focuses on rider ability, preparedness and knowledge needed to handle any kind of situation while traveling.

Over the year's, Hough has learned his own lessons along the way during his 50 years of riding. Being caught without a tire repair kit in the middle of Alaska, swapping bikes which resulted in a crash, riding alone on a dirt road resulting in a medivac flight and more are covered in the book.

Hough sets out to provide reality, wisdom and inspiration for other riders to learn from his own, as well as others evolutionary moments so that the next ride is better than the last.

In the introduction, Hough outlines a number of factors that make up a good rider. It's interesting to read through the list and see how many you already apply to your riding adventures.

In Hough's first all-new book in over a decade, he goes beyond the riding skills techniques presented in his Proficient Motorcycling and Street Strategies series to cover a broader range of topics both on and off the bike.

At 408 pages the book is Hough's largest project to date and it took him several years to craft it.

The book is available in print now and will arrive in the fall in two parts for digital readers. But why wait whn you can get all this great knowledge right now?

SR/Summer 13

The Good Rider (Mixed MEDIA 2013) is available from the Sound RIDER! online store, Powell's Bookstore in Portland Oregon, or contact your favorite dealer to check availability.

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