ADV Motorcycle Day Trip - Long Beach, Washington

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ADV Day Trip - Long Beach, Washington

Down in the southwestern corner of Washington, is a little stretch of beach, that, being technically part of the state highway system, is open to any licensed rider willing to brave the sand.

The sleepy tourist outpost of Long Beach doesn't offer much to see on its own, but for a great day ride, just 120 miles from Portland or 170 miles from Seattle, this trip to the beach is tough to beat.

Stick to Hwy 26 from the south or 101 from the north and you'll enjoy mile after mile of scenic pavement and plenty of opportunities to dig a little deeper and explore some dirt roads. With an extra day or two to spare, Long Beach is the perfect "see it just to see it" destination, with a myriad of camping opportunities along the way.

Upon arrival, a set of knobby tires will help you make the transition from pavement, through the soft sand and onto the hardpack, but don't skip on this chance to practice your sand skills for that upcoming run to the Mexican coast.

Just remember that when in the loose stuff, you have to have the manpower to get your machine unstuck. Otherwise, when your 1200 GS is buried up to the axle nut, you too may have to rely on a fellow rider blitzing by on a much svelter bike.

Derek Roberts/July 15

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