Submit an Event: List your motorcycle event for free

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Yamaha Motorcycles Street Event - Adventure Motorsports


Submit an event

Use this page to submit an upcoming motorcycle ride or event.

  1. Limit your listing description to 100 words. Listing descriptions exceeding 100 words will not run. Do not cut and paste entire press releases into the description area. Instead, encourage readers to visit your website for more information.
  2. All listings are subject to approval by the Calendar editor and will not be posted immediately.
  3. Use upper and lower case syntax when submitting. Any submission that's in ALL CAPS WILL NOT RUN.
  4. We only post events held in the Northwest e.g. Idaho, Oregon, Washington,  British Columbia and Western Alberta.
  5. When listing your website, you must begin the address with http:// or https:// or it will not link.
  6. Club rides and other events are OK to post as long as they are open to all riders.
  7. Complete your entry in 5 minutes or less and submit. Otherwise - you'll receive an error message and have to refresh and start over again.

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