Bogus Helmets: - Sound RIDER! - RCW 46.37.530

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Bogus Helmets

What you know...could save your life (and time and money)

Picture of a bogus motorcycle helmetThe opening statement on the Washington State Patrol's new three panel brochure says "What you know could save your life." I think it could more often save you time and money.

This article isn't intended to argue the helmet law, or dispute what constitutes a DOT approved helmet. If anything this article might encourage you to trash your novelty skid lid, or discourage you from buying one based on the hassle factor alone.

Suppose you're looking for a new spouse and you happen across a potential mate who is a heroin junkie, verbally abusive and broke the windshields of his/her last three lover's cars. You have the option to steer clear of this mess and move on in your search. I'm fairly certain you would opt to leave this scenario alone.

So let's take the same concept of, shall we say "hassle," and apply it to the existing helmet law. Is the gray area of the law worth breaking and fighting one person at a time for? 

The Washington State Patrol has released an informative piece that describes what constitutes a DOT approved helmet. You candownload the brochure for free in a PDF file from their website. WSP makes a good point in that the "bogus" helmet they feature costs $79. If you get stopped with it on you are fined an additional $71. Basically your $79 bogus helmet pays the state an annuity of $71 each time you are stopped for wearing it.

You may win or lose that case, but I'd have to ask, why exert the time and effort to win it when I know you have better things to do with your life than hire attorneys and hang around the courtroom.

The reason that all this becomes a gray area is that the current Motorcycle Manual does not specify to the user what a DOT approved helmet is, just that they wear one. One what? Therefore there are those who work with attorneys to beat the rap and sometimes do based on lack of availability of the law. (I beat parking citations in Seattle all the time using the same strategy, "I think you could find the municipal code at the library" says the magistrate and I walk out paying a $5 admin fee.)

Why has the DOL never included the details of what specifications apply to a DOT approved helmet in themotorcycle operators manual ?  It's possible we may see this turned around the next time the manual is printed.  

Understand, I'm not saying I am for or against any helmet laws or regulation, but what I am for is that the gray area of the law get black and white - the sooner the better.

My suggestion here is that DOL publish the specifications sooner than later and lets be done with it.   

PT/Summer 01


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