Motorcycle Education: Sidecar and Trike Program

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Sidecar/Trike Education Program

Instructor Preparation Course

The Sidecar/Trike Education Program (S/TEP) is an organization that offers training for 3-wheeled motorcycle based vehicles, similar to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation courses offered for 2-wheeled motorcycles.  The Novice course begins with the assumption that the student has never been on a 3-wheeled motorcycle before, and progresses through advanced turning, braking, and obstacle avoidance training, as well as street survival strategies for the 3-wheeled motorcyclist.  These vehicles handle VERY differently than a standard motorcycle and accident data indicates a need for separate training.

Who Supports The Program


Since 2003 several local manufacturers and 3 wheel service companies have joined together to support Evergreen Safety Council with their S/TEP program.

This is critical because although Evergreen operates the program, there is not a budget large enough to fund the inventory and service needs necessary to keep the program running. 

Over the years bikes and service have been provided by Dauntless Motors of Covington, Irbit Motorworks of Redmond and On Three Trike Conversions of of Redmond.

It is because of support from these businesses that the program has survived and flourished.

Tom Mehren

The Instructor Preparation course certifies individuals interested in offering 3-wheeled training, to use the curriculum developed by the S/TEP.  Certification is national, and entitles the successful Instructor Candidate to access to the course material, free publicity and other assistance for classes they offer, recognition by several state motorcycle safety programs, and low cost insurance for their classes.Students graduating the Novice and Advanced classes not only have the benefit of the training, but several major insurance companies are currently offering discounts for course completion.

The IP involves two days of learning how to teach the Novice and Advanced course and one day of practice evaluation and range control exercises, followed by two days of teaching an actual class of novice students. Sidecar rigs and a trike (if available) will be provided for Instructor Candidate use. 

Cost of the course is $395.00 USD, which does not include meals and/or lodging.  Class size limit is 12.   Graduates will receive a S/TEP Instructor Guide and binder/portfolio, transparency masters, a copy of the student handbook, range cards, a range card belt pouch, and an instructor shirt.

Registration for the course will be taken by Evergreen Safety Council either by phone at: 800-521-0778, or by mail at:

Evergreen Safety Council
S/TEP Course
401 Pontius Ave. N.
Seattle, WA  98109


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